Aerial Imaging

Doing business as Wildcat Tech Ventures LLC, has been established to capture high-quality and affordable aerial images and videos. Our services are available for Realtors, businesses and individuals in The Shoals. We provide aerial imaging services for all types of real estate listings (acreage, commercial & residential). All aerial imagery is captured safely by an FAA-licensed pilot, while strictly complying with FAA regulations. The content captured is then professionally edited and delivered to you, for your real estate marketing needs. We are not a real estate agency.

Ed Balch – Founder/Owner/Pilot
How It Works

- STEP #1 – E-mail us the address or GPS coordinates of the real estate.
- STEP #2 – We will check to see if flights are permissible at that location.
- STEP #3 – We will reply to your e-mail.
- STEP #4 – Pick the package that you desire. A list of common packages have been included below but we can discuss custom requests too.
- STEP #5 – We will schedule the flight. Due to the possibility of inclement weather, we ask that at least one backup date & time be provided. Unless you choose to be present too, we’ll only need to be provided access/permission to capture aerial imagery by the property owner.
- STEP #6 – We will deliver a link to review the captured footage via TXT and/or e-mail. If you accept, please pay the invoice. If you are disappointed, pay us nothing. We stand 100% behind the quality of our work and feel confident that you will be satisfied!
Choose a Package

PACKAGE #1 – $200.00 | PACKAGE #2 – $250.00 | CUSTOM PACKAGE – PRICE TBD |
We’re available to discuss and attempt to accommodate every request. Typical types of custom requests include:
***All prices are subject to change. Also, please be sure to ask us about our referral discounts.